The first wireless transformator

Dear reader,

Everybody knows Nicolas Tesla. He was de scientist who invented the alternating current. But that was not without any annotation. the big competitor of Tesla was Thomas Edison. They fought the “war of currents”. On the one side you had Edison with his DC – current. On the other side you had Tesla with the ac – current, and they both wanted that their technology would be implemented in the american electricity transportation net. Victory was for Tesla at the end of the war, because Ac-current is much more efficient to transport than dc-current.
Here a funny movie about the two’s rivalry.

After that Tesla went his own way and started a lab in colorado. Their he could do his experiments with his high voltage and high frequency current. He chose that place because the polyphase alternating current power distribution system had been introduced there and he had associates who were willing to give him all the power he needed without charging for it.
He builded an enormous transformator wo went true the roof of is lab. witch that he could produce electrical ignitions of several meter long. The produced magnetic field was so big that he could light up bulbs at 100 meters distance.


But The people of Colorado started to complain because of the noise at night due to the discharge of the transformation. Also horses where hurt because they conducted the electricity due to their iron hoofs. Eventually when Tesla had burned up the generator of the electricity company the authorities decided to put an hold on his experiments.


He had plans to build a tower to transport electricity true the air. Like you can see in the picture above. But due to lack of investors his plans where never achieved. That was the end of Tesla’s dream to transport electricity true the air.

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